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Chicago, IL 60647
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Title TK

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“Comprised of the artists and musicians Cory Arcangel, Howie Chen and Alan Licht, Title TK is a “band” that performs in music or art contexts. While they appear on stage as a band, the members do not play live music. Instead the performances are conversations between the three artists about music, performance and the music industry, and their act plays with the tensions created by the audience’s expectations and the actuality of their performance. Though ostensibly not music, their spontaneous banter nonetheless demonstrates Arcangel, Chen and Licht’s incredible range of artistic influences and preoccupations, all of which stem from a sophisticated understanding of music and composing. The conversations engage each audience as the performer reveals his own infatuations with popular culture, music and art. Title TK: An Anthology collects the transcripts of these live performances from 2010 to 2014, charting the group’s development.”

Primary Information, 2016 Softcover edition. Light general wear.



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