February 22nd Newsletter

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Torn Light Records
1855 N Milwaukee
Chicago, IL 60647
Open Everyday

The Nihilist Spasm Band – Vol. 2

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What our staff has to say: “The greatest band in the whole world” – Cleo

2016 CD remaster of original release by Music Gallery Editions, 1978. Recorded live at the Toronto Music Gallery, February 4th 1978.

The NSB was formed in 1965 by a group of people who enjoyed music and wanted to play in a band. There was no desire to learn to play traditional instruments so kazoos were bought and assorted noise makers modified or built from scratch. The band started playing regularly every Monday night in 1966 and has just carried on .The personnel has stayed the same. John Boyle (artist) kazoo and drums, John Clement (MD) guitar and drums, Bill Exley (geezer/latinist) vocals, Murray Favro (artist) guitar and Art Pratten (pensioner/gentleman of leisure) Pratt-a-various and Waterpipe. Greg Curnoe (deceased), Hugh McIntyre (deceased) and Archie Leitch (permanently retired) play less often.

Alchemy Records – ARCD-247

Bass, Liner Notes – Hugh McIntyre
Drums – Greg Curnoe
Kazoo – John Boyle
Performer [Pratt-a-various], Design – Art Pratten
Photography By – Bill McGrath
Vocals, Theremin – Bill Exley


Record Label

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SKU 210000064278