“The fourth album that Samara Lubelski and Marcia Bassett have recorded as a duo — the second for us, following 2017’s Live NYC (FTR 302LP) — is much less […]
“Actor-Network Theory” is the final record Nick Klein made as a resident of New York City. Recorded in 2018, it weaves a disparate sonic narrative of dissociative opiated sleeping-bag [...]
Of all the artists who recorded for the Black Jazz label, keyboardist and composer Doug Carn was the most prolific, releasing four albums for the imprint. 1972’s Spirit of the […]
After seeing us off with last year’s ‘Your Skulls Are To Us What The Sun Is To You’ for Industrial Coast, the duo’s instinct for ace titles is in effect […]
“At just 22 years old, Sequoyah Murray is crafting the kind of concise, singular musical statements that many artists strive for their whole careers. His mutant brand of modern soul […]
“We are pleased to present ‘Hallways’ the third full length from Austin, Texas analogue hardware enthusiast Bill Converse. Immersed in the early days of the 90s midwest rave scene, Bill [...]
The Fall’s performance at the annual Phoenix Festival was broadcast live on the BBC by DJ John Peel. Their blistering 1995 performance is now available here in deluxe vinyl format […]