March 8th Newsletter

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Torn Light Records
1855 N Milwaukee
Chicago, IL 60647
Open Everyday

Marwa Helal – LIVE from the light unobserved

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Poetry is as much voice as it is writing. The writing captures the voice so that we can remember. The idea that many of our great contemporary poets remain unrecorded is one of the shocks and sadnesses in recorded sound in the age of voice memos and bandcamp. For her part Marwa Helal is not just a writer but a fire spitter in the manner of the great African-American tradition of self-reflexive shit talk (see Gil Scott Heron, see Audre Lorde, see Ishmael Reed, see Jayne Cortez, see Will Hairston) re the present tense political (read human) realities and varied forms of post-boat ride arrival appraisal. The recorded pieces are originally from Ante body, Helal’s 2022 book of Afro-American Egyptology and clapback


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SKU 210000135908