March 1st Newsletter

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Torn Light Records
1855 N Milwaukee
Chicago, IL 60647
Open Everyday

Finished Basements – Varnish

In stock


*ships mid Sept at latest*

Finished Basements “Varnish” full length cassette is up now for pre-order. 50+ minutes, 22 tracks of basement electronics. Beats, kraut zones & 99 WARP RECORDS psychosis.

The story behind this release begins with a box of CDrs arriving at the shop. All data-discs. Folder and folder of tracks. 25 minutes. 30 seconds. Room recordings & straight to tape. You can hear it all. What felt like an impossible task began – we would cull everything down to a C60 and release it. I’ve been working on this for 6 months + in the evenings. Some tracks are 2 minute edits out of 20 minute epics… There were entire full “live” sessions included as well. Blurry .MP4s… sketchy compressed .jpgs of shoes in hallways. No confusion though – you hear the tape and it all makes sense. This is true electronic music. This can’t exist in any other way.

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