March 1st Newsletter

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Torn Light Records
1855 N Milwaukee
Chicago, IL 60647
Open Everyday

Equipment Pointed Ankh – Changing Legs

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What our staff has to say: “EPA return with a disc of duos. I would say this is a good disc for all Improv Heads, Kraut Rock Dropouts, & Kentucky Fried Psychos. Changing Legs to explore minimalism and technique.” – Alex

Improvised Duets by

Chris Bush
Dan Davis
Ryan Davis
Seth Manchester
Jim Marlowe
Shutaro Noguchi

Recorded by Seth Manchester at Machines With Magnets April 27, 2022
Mixed and Mastered by Seth too, he can do it allArt by Graham Lambkin
Layout by Graham and JimA Newton’s Kidney release

“Samuel Beckett once sat through a New York vs. Houston doubleheader at Shea Stadium”- David Markson



Stock Level In stock
SKU 25175953