March 8th Newsletter
Torn Light Records
1855 N Milwaukee
Chicago, IL 60647
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Drekka – Sleeping Patterns Of The Discontent

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«One can be a discontent – that is, an insurgent or a revolutionary – but there is also that more literal, personal meaning of the word which may be in most cases equally applicable to those to which we refer here and, in either case, there is a sort of disruption implicit, as in a hypnopompic state.»

A non–linear mix by Michael Anderson / Drekka, with portrait interludes by Mark Trecka. Performed and mixed live 21 October 2015 at The Artifex Guild, Bloomington, Indiana by Michael Anderson.

Words part by Mark Trecka

Michael Anderson is a composer behind Drekka, who has recently released two of his trilogy of albums for Dais Records, which includes a modern masterpiece ‘Unbeknownst To The Participants At Hand’, that refers to the debut full–length film by Michael Haneke’s The Seventh Continent. Alongside that Anderson has a long–running own label Bluesanct, started in 1996 and which continues to release music up to date. Sleep Patterns of the Discontent is Anderson’s second and final piece for this year after a new album Verjaardag, in which Michael reworks vocals of his collaborator and muse Annelies Monseré.

Michael Anderson: «For me, this mix is a night’s sleep… the dreams come and go, mingling and juxtaposing each other. In moments between dreams, we hear from the poet who gives homage to five artists whose work has challenged us to think and to use our own frustration with the world around us to cathartic creative ends.»

Mark Trecka: «Included throughout the mix are five imaginal / poetic portraits of five artists who may or may not be or have been discontent; unsatisfied with their own personal situation or their own personal feelings about the world. These artists in some way or another reach beyond the situation in which they emerge.
The five portraits were written and recorded by writer, artist, and performer Mark Trecka, and interwoven into the mix by Drekka.»


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SKU 210000081884