February 22nd Newsletter

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Cheng-Tsu Wu – Chink: A Documentary History Of Anti-Chinese Prejudice In America

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“The contents of this compendium, which presents a bit of the history of the racial prejudice against the Chinese, are organized in four chapters. Chapter 1, “Institutionalization of Prejudice,” reviews the body of legislation and State and Federal court decisions pertaining to the Chinese, beginning with the migration to California during the 1850’s. Chapter 2, “Overt Agitation,” documents the prejudiced image of the Chinese built up for more than a century in the public speeches or testimonies of government officials, lawmakers, and other public figures, in school textbooks, novels, and newspapers, in movies and popular magazines. Chapter 3, “Chinaman’s Chance,” describes how anti-Chinese hostility manifested itself in a series of brutal–and often fatal–assaults on Chinese life and limb. Accounts of the inhuman restrictions on Chinese and the burning of Chinese quarters and expulstion of the Chinese from their residential areas in California, and massacres of Chinese in Wyoming, Washington, and elsewhere are included. Chapter 4, “Have They Made It?–A Conclusion,” reports the discrimination which exists in employment opportunities, education, and city services to Chinese communities and the harassment of Chinese by local, State, and Federal officials”

Meridian Books, 1972 Softcover edition. Some discoloration and splaying to wraps. Overgluing on back wrap as well.



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