“Exclave” is the debut of NYC-based duo Cryocene, comprised of Stefan Aune (Kjostad) and Matt Boettke (Scant). Over the course of 5 tracks Cryocene weave together an ominous landscape [...]
“There is no silence left” is a collection of remixes and reworkings by Mkl Anderson of Drekka, released under various monikers between 1996 and 2012. Contains 13 previously [...]
The last Advance Base show in front of a live audience was in Portland, Oregon on March 11, 2020, four days into a west coast tour with Claire Cronin & […]
UK eight-piece caroline’s eponymous debut album often cascades with force like an avalanche, squalling and rumbling on the edge of all-out collapse. At other points they slip back into impossibly [...]
First released in 1970, Soundtracks consists of songs written for various films. The album marks the departure of the band’s original vocalist Malcolm Mooney, who sings on two tracks, to [...]
The Doberman crew has been relentlessly touring the U.S. for years now, existing as a traveling band of frequent collaborators and changing lineups, consisting of often radically different [...]
Screen printed LP jackets, riso inserts. Recorded live in The Mean Fiddler, London – 22.10.1987. Against all predictions, the fight to release these recordings has finally been won. We [...]
Screen printed LP jackets, riso inserts. Recorded live 11th January 1988 at The Rose Club in Koln, Germany. Excerpt from Nov 19, 1988 Melody Marker interview: The red room is […]
Ships prior to release date of 9/29/2023. What our staff has to say: “‘Kentucky Kraut Rock’ If you are not yet familiar with EPA, please make it a point to […]
“Tracks taken from Nico’s 1965 45 single, an outake from The Academy In Peril & the Reed/Cale/Nico “Le Bataclan 72″ concert. Wonderful cover art worth price of [...]
Micro pressing of 100 copies on “Crystal Mist” vinyl available from Torn Light: Avant-Garde soundscapes envelop the listener in sonic waves of emotion. A synesthetic journey and [...]