February 22nd Newsletter

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Torn Light Records
1855 N Milwaukee
Chicago, IL 60647
Open Everyday

Alex Cunningham – As Slow as the Stream

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What our staff has to say: “Incredible solo violin full length from Alex Cunningham. 30+ minutes for fans of Leroy Jenkins or Henry Flynt. Released on my CD label ARKEEN.” – Alex

“After several stand out collaborative releases, including a duo LP with Mark Shippy and another duo LP with Claire Rousay, violinist Alex Cunningham returns to solo form with As Slow as the Stream, an album made up of one 33-minute cat and mouse game titled “As Slow as the Stream Cuts the Dirt from Beneath.”
If you’ve ever watched a cat sneak up on a mouse, you’ve seen the cat making its way towards it’s prey so slowly that you barely even notice the cat is moving at all. Similarly, you might not notice a stream in motion, unless you pay close attention.  But, we know how quickly a cat can run on a rampage to catch it’s prey, or how a stream can quickly turn into turbulent rapids. The playfulness of Cunningham‘s playing on As Slow as the Stream, recalls both of these situations, ping ponging between quick run ferocious licks, slow tonal clusters, and below the fingerboard extended techniques, that bring to mind both Leroy Jenkins and Henry Flynt.  Cunningham‘s violin on As Slow as the Stream leads you on a journey through the rapids, and just as a cat never gets bored chasing mice, you’ll never get bored getting your brain shredded. In fact, you’ll be left wanting MORE MORE MORE!”


Record Label

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SKU 20441083