“From the blown-out motherboard of West Philadelphia’s Master Control Programmers, Charles Grossman broke off to explore his own personal outer space experience. With just a DW-8000 to keep [...]
“Come When The Raven Calls is the second album by Suzanne Langille and Neel Murgai after more than two decades performing together. Langille fuses the rawness of American spiritual blues [...]
rooklyn-based outfit Wetware (Roxy Farman and Matt Morandi) return with the intense follow-up album to 2018’s Automatic Drawing, an electronic dirge, simply titled: Flail. Formed in 2015 and [...]
Australian outfit Death Bells return with their sophomore album, New Signs of Life. Nine Captivating tracks for fans of eighties indie, classic antipodean new wave, and turn of the century […]
New 2019 album … their first in 19 years! Tearaway trouble-punk ‘n’ bubblegum scuzz-rock from the notorious US duo, now signed to Fat Possum. Includes “Year Of The Dog”.
“Actor-Network Theory” is the final record Nick Klein made as a resident of New York City. Recorded in 2018, it weaves a disparate sonic narrative of dissociative opiated sleeping-bag [...]